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Baby Boomer Behaviors: Stats and Data on How This Generation Manages Money

July 19, 2024|0 min read

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Forty-five percent of Baby Boomers check their financial accounts at least once a day. Despite taking an active role in managing their finances, almost 1 in 4 Baby Boomers (23%) are still using spreadsheets or another manual process to track and manage their money.

As more and more Baby Boomers reach retirement, financial services providers can provide guidance and intuitive, intelligent tools that help build long-term financial strength. Here’s a collection of MX’s top statistics, graphs, and research on how Baby Boomers approach finances. 

In this post, you’ll find stats and graphics related to: 

Want to learn more about how different generations of consumers approach their finances? Check out our companion blogs on Gen Z, Millennials, and Gen X.

How Baby Boomers Feel About Finances

Top Goals

Baby Boomer Approach to Money Management

  • When asked how long they’ve had their oldest financial account, 22% of all respondents say they have had an account for more than 15 years. And, it’s no surprise that age means longer relationships. Nearly 50% of Baby Boomers have had an account for more than 15 years. (How to Keep Consumers From Breaking Up with Banks, 2024)

Longest Held

Online Payment Preference

Online Payment Preferences

In-Person Payment Preference

In Person Payment Preferences

  • Older generations are less likely to leverage automatic payments. Only 29% of Baby Boomers set up automatic payments with each provider compared to 42% of Gen Z and 4!% of Millennials. (How to Drive Engagement When Consumers Refuse to Change, 2024)
  • When asked what type of financial products they currently use, 22% of respondents say they have a cryptocurrency account, compared to only 5% of Baby Boomers. (Consumer Research on Digital and Mobile Banking, 2022)
  • Across generations, we asked what statement most closely aligns with their current perspective on applying for loans. The largest portion of Gen X and Baby Boomers align with the statement that loans are necessary for larger purchases such as a home or vehicle. (What is Financial Wellness?, 2023

Applying for Loans

  • Nearly 1 in 4 Baby Boomers (23%) never perform finance-related tasks using a mobile app, compared to 9% of overall respondents. And, one-third say they have no finance-related mobile apps on their phones. (What is Financial Wellness?, 2023
  • When Baby Boomers do use finance apps, banking apps are the most used. (What is Financial Wellness?, 2023
  • Baby Boomers are the generation least likely to report an unrecognized transaction as fraud at 7%, compared to 24% of Gen Z. (A Time for Trust)

Financial Management Features Baby Boomers Want Most

  • Here are the features that Baby Boomers most want for financial wellness (What Consumers Really Want from their Financial Providers, 2022):
    • 34% educational programs to teach you how to become financially stronger
    • 28% debt repayment tools like calculators to estimate how much time it will take to save money / pay off debt
    • 26% budgeting tools
    • 25% predictive insights on what your account balance will be on a future date based on spending habits
    • 24% automatic savings options, such as rounding up to the nearest dollar on purchases and depositing in savings

Top Financial Wellness Features

  • The top features Baby Boomers want most when it comes to the security and control of their financial accounts are (What Consumers Really Want from their Financial Providers, 2022):
    • 48% biometric login options
    • 30% ability to download your financial data
    • 28% required multi-factor authentication
    • 27% ability to restrict transactions at specific vendors or locations
    • 26% ability to restrict transactions above a certain amount

Top Security Features

  • When it comes to what consumers most want to help them manage financial accounts online or through a mobile app, here are the features that rose to the Top 3 most often for Baby Boomers (What Consumers Really Want from their Financial Providers, 2022):
    • 45% integration with digital wallets like Apple Pay or Google Pay
    • 45% instantly issued virtual cards
    • 36% connect outside financial accounts so they can see all financial data in one place
    • 32% order a personalized card
    • 25% open new accounts online

Top Money Management Features

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