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The Ultimate List of Mobile Banking Trends and Statistics (2024)

April 5, 2024|0 min read

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Mobile banking is by far the preferred way that consumers manage their finances. In fact, the American Bankers Association found that U.S. consumers are conducting their banking via mobile apps more often than any other method for the fourth year in a row. 

And, this trend won’t change in the future. MX’s firsthand consumer research shows an overwhelming preference and demand for a five-star mobile banking experience. Below is a round-up of consumer data and statistics related to mobile banking from MX’s collection of consumer research reports

In this post, you’ll find stats related to: 

Having a good digital and mobile banking experience has become table stakes. Financial institutions and fintechs won’t even be invited into a consumer’s life if they don’t deliver on the digital and mobile experiences consumers have come to expect. 

Mobile Banking App Usage

  • 45% of consumers are performing finance-related tasks on a mobile app at least once per day. (What is Financial Wellness?, 2023)
  • 48% of consumers have 3 or more finance-related mobile apps currently downloaded to their mobile phone. (What is Financial Wellness?, 2023)
  • The finance-related mobile apps that respondents find themselves using most often include Banking (37%) and Payments, such as Venmo, Paypal, etc. (32%). Among Gen Z and Millennials, payment apps top the list. For Gen X and Baby Boomers, banking apps are the most used. (What is Financial Wellness?, 2023)

Most Used

  • 72% of U.S. consumers say they prefer to manage all their finances online or through a mobile app. Among different age groups, Millennials most prefer online and mobile at 85%, followed by Gen Z at 79%. (Consumer Research on Digital and Mobile Banking, 2022
  • The most common actions that U.S. consumers perform on a money-related mobile app are  (Consumer Money Matters, 2022): 
    • 91% Checked a balance
    • 62% Transferred money from one account to another
    • 54% Deposited a check
    • 46% Transferred money to a friend
    • 38% Scheduled a bill payment

Mobile Actions

Mobile Banking Impact on Customer Retention

Top Factors

Generational Attitudes on Mobile Banking

  • 58% of Millennial respondents report performing finance-related tasks on a mobile app at least once a day. At least weekly? This jumps to 85% of Millennials. (What is Financial Wellness?, 2023)
  • 63% of Millennials have 3 or more finance-related mobile apps on their phones. Fifteen percent of Millennials have 6 or more mobile apps related to finance. (What is Financial Wellness?, 2023)
  • 23% of Baby Boomers say they never perform finance-related tasks using a mobile app, compared to 9% of overall respondents. And, one-third say they have no finance-related mobile apps on their phones. (What is Financial Wellness?, 2023)
  • 43% of Gen X are performing finance-related tasks using a mobile app at least once a day, with nearly half (49%) that have 3 or more finance-related mobile apps. (What is Financial Wellness?, 2023)
  • 48% of Gen Z respondents perform finance-related tasks on a mobile app at least once a day, compared to 58% of their Millennial counterparts. (What is Financial Wellness?, 2023)
  • Most Gen Z respondents (47%) have 1-2 finance-related mobile apps on their phones, while 39% have 3-5 or 6 or more (10%). (What is Financial Wellness?, 2023)
  • When it comes to what consumers most want to help them manage financial accounts online or through a mobile app, here are the features that rose to the Top 3 most often (What Consumers Want from Financial Providers, 2023): 
    • Gen Z
      • 31% Connect outside financial accounts so they can see all financial data in one place
      • 25% Integration with digital wallets like Apple Pay or Google Pay
      • 22% Order a personalized card
      • 20% Instantly issued virtual cards
      • 19% Enroll in paperless account statements


    • Millennials
      • 32% Order a personalized card
      • 31% Integration with digital wallets like Apple Pay or Google Pay
      • 27% Connect outside financial accounts so they can see all financial data in one place
      • 24% Instantly issued virtual cards
      • 23% Open new accounts online


    • Gen X
      • 41% Order a personalized card
      • 29% Open new accounts online
      • 29% Instantly issued virtual cards
      • 25% Integration with digital wallets like Apple Pay or Google Pay
      • 25% Connect outside financial accounts so they can see all financial data in one place

Gen X

    • Baby Boomers
      • 45% Integration with digital wallets like Apple Pay or Google Pay
      • 45% Instantly issued virtual cards
      • 36% Connect outside financial accounts so they can see all financial data in one place
      • 32% Order a personalized card
      • 25% Open new accounts online

Baby Boomers

Mobile Banking, Open Finance, and Account Connectivity

Control Data

  • One in 4 consumers say they have experienced technical issues when connecting external financial accounts to their financial apps or online financial accounts. (Consumer Research on Digital and Mobile Banking, 2022
  • 73% of U.S. consumers say they have connected money-related apps to their financial accounts, with Gen Z (78%) and Millennials (84%) being most likely to have done this. (Consumer Money Matters, 2022)
  • 8% of U.S. consumers said no when asked if connecting an app to a financial account went smoothly the first time they attempted it. For Gen Z, this jumps slightly to 12%.  (Consumer Money Matters, 2022)
  • 27% of U.S. consumers said that they have had to reconnect an account because the connection broke.  (Consumer Money Matters, 2022)
  • 45% of U.S. consumers who have been disconnected also say that their connected financial accounts and money-related apps regularly get disconnected. (Consumer Money Matters, 2022)

Mobile Banking and Financial Wellness

Mobile Banking and Security 

  • 39% of consumers agree that they use the same username and password on multiple apps so that it’s easier to remember.  (What is Financial Wellness?, 2023)
  • 51% of consumers say they use biometric login options if it is an option. Both of these findings show consumers don’t want to have to remember multiple usernames or passwords to access their accounts. (What is Financial Wellness?, 2023)
  • 60% of consumers agree they prefer multi-factor authentication when accessing finances through a mobile app. (What is Financial Wellness?, 2023) Interestingly, this percentage shrinks with older generations:
    • 64% of Gen Z
    • 68% of Millennials
    • 60% Gen X
    • 48% of Baby Boomers

Balance or Fraud Alerts

Turn Card On:off

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