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Digital Money Management

A Way of Improving Financial Well-Being and Customer Loyalty

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Evansville Teachers Federal Credit Union (ETFCU) has always believed in a “people helping people” philosophy. As such, it has invested in digital money management (DMM) for years with the intent of improving its members’ financial well-being and maintaining user loyalty in the process.

The Challenge

In 2016, ETFCU learned that its digital money management (DMM) product would be migrated to the MX platform. Since it had seen good results with their prior DMM product, ETFCU was excited for the migration and the additional functionality it would gain with the new Money Management solution powered by MX.

The Solution

Digital Money Management (DMM)

A huge increase in those aggregating all of their accounts

ETFCU ended up being the first client to migrate to the new Money Management solution powered by MX, and the results were impressive. Within two months, ETFCU saw a five-fold increase in total aggregated accounts and reached a 41% adoption rate with 21% of total Money Management users aggregating their accounts.

ETFCU was also able to put its money management product to better use by integrating it directly into the mobile experience (something it was unable to do until it integrated with MX). This opened up Money Management features to a range of mobile-first members and increased the appeal of the mobile experience at ETFCU, improving the likelihood that these users will stay loyal to the credit union.

Insight and Target

A dramatic return on investment

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In addition, ETFCU integrated the MX Insight & Target platform along with Discovered Accounts, resulting in a dramatic return on investment. For example, the credit union used the fresh data gathered from Money Management to re-run a credit card campaign and brought in six times more balances transferred and three times more new credit cards than it had brought in previously — all because it was able to create hyper-personalized offers that got real results.

We’re very happy with the MX experience. We want to live our philosophy of ‘people helping people,’ and MX and NCR’s Digital Insight solution allows us to do that. We can offer products and services to our members that save them money. We can compete with the big banks now that we have the data to gain insights into our members’ financial picture and really help them. Money Management and Insight & Target has allowed us to do that.

Meaghan Elpers

Vice President of Operations, ETFCU

“It’s a testament to the information that we’re able to get out of Insight & Target, and it’s so very important to the service, to use that data to help our members, save them money, and move them toward our products and services.” —Meaghan Elpers, Vice President of Operations, ETFCU

“We were preparing for an uptick in call volume and complaints after we made the switch, but the implementation was seamless. We didn’t really see an increase in call volume, which is a testament to the usability of this financial tool.” —Meaghan Elpers, Vice President of Operations, ETFCU

Key Benefits


increase in total aggregated accounts


adoption rate with 21% of total Money Management users aggregating their accounts


more balances transferred and 3x more credit cards than previously with a credit card campaign

About MX Account Aggregation

MX’s account aggregation solutions enable consumers to easily connect and view all of their financial accounts in one place — and give financial providers full visibility into consumer financial data to better meet their needs.

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About MX Personal Financial Management

MX simplifies personal financial management (PFM) for consumers from connecting all of their accounts in one place, to best-in-class digital money management capabilities, to proactive, personalized financial insights.

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About MX Financial Insights

MX delivers embedded insights supported by artificial intelligence and machine learning to protect, inform, and guide consumers with personalized guidance, offers, and recommendations based on behaviors and financial data.

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Explore how MX can help you get the most from financial data and build better money experiences for consumers.